P2 Honesty's Wall (2012)

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Update Contact Information.

Dear Parents,

If you haven't updated your contact details on MC Online, please do so before 31 July (this Sunday). This will assist us in going online with travel declarations before the next public holiday (National Day). Thank you!

You can update your contact information as follows:

Login ID: P_T0012345X  .....................(P underscore followed by your child's BC number)
School ID: RSS
Password: learning  ........................... default password


I've also received information on filtering out completed assignments on Lead.com on your browser. Currently, we're unable to delete the assignments. However, what you can do is go to 'View My Assignments', and at the Status, there is a drop-down menu. Select 'Not Submitted' and you can view those assignments that were not done. This way, you do not need to scroll down to look for the assignments that were not completed.

Hope this helps! =)

Thursday, 21 July 2011


If a 2-year-old can tell an interesting story, so can you! =)

Lead.com Inquiry

Hello Parents, for those who have asked about whether I am able to delete previous Lead.com.sg assignments so that it is easier for you to scroll to the latest ones, I'm currently not able to do so without also erasing the children's results. I have given feedback to the IT department and will post with further updates on this matter =).

Upcoming Tests.

Apologies for the late update!

English Test 3 will be tomorrow, based on items from Units 7-9.

Math Topical Test 8 will be next Thursday, 28th July 2011. It will be based on the topic of Numbers to 40.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Project 11.

Dear pupils, as I announced in class last week, Regina is helping to collect ring tabs for the youths at Kong Meng San monastery at Bright Hill Road. They are hoping to collect five tonnes of ring tabs, estimating at 15 million pieces. These rings tabs will be used to make a component of prosthetic legs for the needy. One pair of prosthetic legs needs about 1 kg, or about 3,300 ring tabs. So please don't throw away the ring tabs from your drink cans- hold onto them and pass them to Regina instead when you see her in school.

Thank you Regina for the wonderful effort~! =)

The project will end on Nov 30.

Math Topical Test 7

Hello everyone, Math Topical Test 7 will be on this Thursday, 7th July 2011. It will be based on the topic of Picture Graphs.