P2 Honesty's Wall (2012)

Monday, 4 July 2011

Project 11.

Dear pupils, as I announced in class last week, Regina is helping to collect ring tabs for the youths at Kong Meng San monastery at Bright Hill Road. They are hoping to collect five tonnes of ring tabs, estimating at 15 million pieces. These rings tabs will be used to make a component of prosthetic legs for the needy. One pair of prosthetic legs needs about 1 kg, or about 3,300 ring tabs. So please don't throw away the ring tabs from your drink cans- hold onto them and pass them to Regina instead when you see her in school.

Thank you Regina for the wonderful effort~! =)

The project will end on Nov 30.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Teacher and Friends,

    Please take a look at:


